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This page details the setup process for the Dynmap plugin, assuming the Paper Minecraft server is being used and Dynmap’s internal web server is being used.

You Will Need

  • A Minecraft server with Spigot or any of its forks
  • A secondary port allocation for the web server to listen on if you are using a shared host


First things first, we need to install the Dynmap plugin on our server. Download it from here and upload it to /plugins on your server, whether through (S)FTP or the web. Restart your server and go to /plugins/dynmap.

Configuring Dynmap

Once you’re in the Dynmap plugin directory, we’ll need to tweak the configuration.txt file a bit. Open it with your favourite text editor or web editor.

  • To adjust the resolution of tiles, find the line that says deftemplatesuffix - this’ll be the first thing you see when you open up the file - change it to one of [vlowres, lowres, medres, hires]

Fully-generated high resolution maps will take up to hundreds of gigabytes of disk space

  • To use an SQL database for map storage rather than flat files, comment type: filetree and uncomment #type: sqlite or #type: mysql along with the filename for SQLite or MySQL credentials depending on which you are using. Alternatively, you can use Amazon S3 for storing maps, uncomment the lines below # AWS S3 bucket web site and change the region and access credentials to match yours
  • To customise the title of the webpage, uncomment the line containing webpage-title and change the value as you wish.
  • To save on disk space for while preserving most quality of tile images, find the line that begins with image-format and set it to jpg-q90. Alternatively, you can use the more efficient WEBP format - make sure to also uncomment the cwebpPath and dwebpPath lines as well as installing the appropriate packages
  • To enable the outbound web server, find the line that says webserver-bindaddress and uncomment it. Change the webserver-port to whatever port you plan to use - if you’re on a host with a shared IP, this’ll be something way different from the default 8123. This is practically a must for this guide as it’s the whole point - unless you want to use an external web server, which isn’t covered here.
  • To enable login support, change login-enabled to true - change login-required to true to require login for access
  • To require login for the webchat, go back up and find the line that says webchat-requires-login - uncomment and change to true.

Restart your Minecraft server to apply the changes. When done, type http://<server-ip>:<dynmap-port> into your web browser - if a webpage shows up, then ta-da! Dynmap’s internal web server is working fine and dandy! The next page will detail how to set up an Caddy proxy and enable HTTPS for your map.